Sometimes cleaning can be very calming. Cleaning your fryer is not… The oiliness and stubborn dirt are difficult to remove. Snacking is not known for being super healthy, when you do this in old fat you make it a lot unhealthier. However, everyone sometimes feels like having a delicious snack, so use these steps to clean your deep fryer!
Get rid of the oil
Drain the fat from the pan into a bottle or bucket. Can you still use it? Then make sure this is a clean bucket. But here too, if in doubt, don’t do it and change the oil immediately. Do not throw the oil down the sink or toilet, the emulsion can cause blockages and it is not environmentally friendly either. There are drop-off points for this in every municipality, Google is your best friend here. After emptying, remove the remnants of fat with kitchen roll so that everything is not immediately covered in grease.
Want to know how you can clean your type of deep fryer? Then read the next page!