Soil quality
In addition, weeds also say something about the quality of the soil in your garden. Nettles, ground elder and small knobwort, for example, grow in a nutrient-rich soil, while the hop clover is in a calcareous soil. Coltsfoot grows in soil with a poor structure and cleavers again in a nitrogen-rich soil. So if you want to plant flowers or, for example, grow vegetables/plants, you can see from the weeds whether your garden is suitable for it.
Finally, weeds are also an insect attractant. For example, butterflies use these tares as shelters and lay eggs on the leaves. A suiting weed for this is the nettle. But make sure you don’t have too many nettles in your garden, because they can be damaging to other plants and their roots. Just leave one and get rid of the rest. Removed the plants? Do not throw it away, but use it as fertilizer. You can also make a soup or a cup of tea from nettle and make syrup or jam from ground elder or dandelion.
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