2. AirPods
Most people nowadays own wireless earphones. You often use them when you’re on a train or plane and watch a series on your phone. This is perfect because you can use the empty case to keep your phone upright! If you unfold the case and put it on the table, you can balance your smartphone on the cover.
3. Card
Everyone has a card in their wallet that they no longer use. Think of an expired gift card or your gym pass that you never use anyway. With a bit of creative folding, you can turn it into a reasonably sturdy stand. First fold the card in half, so that it can stand up reasonably well. Then you fold one of the two halves with a small edge where your phone can rest. If you have trouble with folding, you can use the edge of the table or a ruler to make a good fold. Make sure you use a suitable card that is a bit flexible and not too thick, or else it will break in half. Make sure you use a suitable card that is a bit flexible and not too thick, or else it will break in half.
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