This is why you should not get rid of your weeds!

It can be really ugly, all those tares between the tiles or decking. After spending an entire afternoon on yourknees in the garden to remove all the weeds, it seems to grow back at the same rate. But actually removing weeds is not really necessary at all. In fact, weeds have many benefits!

Water drainage
So say goodbye to all those hours toiling in the garden! You can leave the plants for a while, so you don’t have to deal with all kinds of pesticides to fight them. It may look untidy, but one of the reasons you want to keep weeds is for water drainage. Water often cannot drain well between tiles. As a result, it may just be that your garden is flooded after a heavy rain shower. The weed plants that stand between the tiles absorb the rainwater in their roots, creating more air in the soil and allowing the water to flow away easily.


Curios about the other benefits? Then read the next page!